"There's no point in spending your life in the pursuit of something that's easy." - Alice Kuipers

Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Book Review - Kalila

Welcome to Monday and this week's book recommendation!

KALILA by Rosemary Nixon

Now this was an interesting book and I don't know if I ever would have found it if it weren't for the fact that the author is going to be the new Writer in Residence at the public library this fall. After reading her profile, I decided to request some of her books and read them before going in to meet her. Already I feel very fortunate that Saskatoon residents will have the opportunity to work with her, because her writing is fantastic. 

What a unique book. It's told from several perspectives, each with their own vastly different style and voice. In fact, the style of the book itself is very different, I don't think I've ever read anything quite like it. I know I usually give a summary of the plot, but I don't really want to. Part of the joy of this book was letting the story unfold, and I don't want to spoil that for anyone. 

It's a lovely, bittersweet story, beautifully told and is bound to keep you flipping the pages. It's not something I'd usually read, but like I said before, the style and voice are so different, it was a complete perspective shift. You get to know the characters so well, being inside their thoughts and everything about this book, from the writing to the plot is just so unexpected.

I recommend this one to writers, for the education on technique and style, and to readers, looking to break up the usual routine and read something breathtaking, honest and bittersweet. 

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